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Coaching to Empower You

Dawn Geschiere (1).png

Mama Power

Writer's picture: Dawn GeschiereDawn Geschiere

Updated: Aug 17, 2022

I'm curious. What does the word, Mama, bring up for you? I'm about to answer that question from my own experience, my own being. First, though, I want to acknowledge that you may have very different experiences, a different way of being with the word. Mama. If you want to tell me about it, about you and this one word, I'm here. I'm listening with a wide open heart.

I almost didn't post this photo of my family with you. Because you may see this family pic (don't you love it?) and think, "Well, she's a Mama of five--no wonder she's writing a blog post about Mama Power. Sheer power in numbers, right? Nope. I'm not thinking about that kind of power.

When our five were little people, or even worthy of the teenager category, they typically called me Mom far more than they gave me the title of Mama. At least that's what I'm remembering.

As young adults they often use those two names interchangeably. Sometimes I'm Mom and sometimes I'm Mama. I'll answer to both and I'm not asking them to stick to one or the other. Yet, for some strange reason, the title of Mama settles into my soul and names this part of me that's been there far longer than the number of years I gave birth to our oldest. I've always been Mama to my core. Of course, these five amazing young adults bring the word alive in a beautiful way. YES to my life as Mama.

I'm Mama Bear and Mama to anyone no matter who they are. I'm one of "those people," someone who dares to admit that she loves people and sees the good in them before I begin to spot their flaws. When my family and friends introduce me to someone that's important to them, my Mama self can't wait for the chance to embrace someone new and discover what's good and beautiful and unique in this newest member of my ever-expanding community.

Does this resonate with you at all? What does the word Mama bring up for you when you hear me say that I coach from this Mama-self that goes beyond any role I hold?

  • Does it tell you that I love kids of all ages and see the child within each of us? Yes. I do.

  • Does it speak to you of my willingness to advocate on behalf of your truest most alive self? Yes, I will.

  • Does it tell you that I'll be a Mama Bear when it comes to listening for what's most important in your story--the story of who you really are at your core and always have been? The story of who you're becoming? Yes. I will listen.

  • Does it evoke this warm, enveloping sense that in our coaching relationship I'll love without judgment and accept you exactly as you are for who you are? Yes. It's true that I do.

  • Does it say to you that I'll fight with you to protect you from listening to any of your nay-saying inner voices, the ones who are there judging you or leading you away from who you really are? Yes. There I am. There's my Mama Bear coaching self.

Mama. Yes. here I am with you. Right here all the way.

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