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Coaching to Empower You

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Writer's pictureDawn Geschiere

How Deep Is Your Well?

Updated: Aug 17, 2022

How deep is your well? You might be surprised.

It’s still 2020, and we’re trying to find our holiday spirit in the midst of immense suffering and staggering statistics. Oh my. I’ve heard some of my clients, family and friends saying things like, “I’m exhausted. I have nothing left to give.” I’ve said it myself. Some days it feels like my well has run dry—not a drop of water or energy left.

But then I’m surprised. I get a text or phone call from someone who’s reaching out in crisis, fear, loneliness, anxiety—and I find myself instinctively responding with prayers, , listening, encouragement, coaching, a smile, or whatever seems like it might be most helpful. Hmmmm... I think. Where did that come from? (Yes, I ended that sentence with a preposition.) I thought I didn’t have anything left to give?

So what if our well is much deeper than we realize? What if our friends, family members or clients simply need to connect, to know we are present with them? Of course, we need to know they’re present for us too. It’s reciprocal. Maybe we don’t need perfect words or a profound connection. Maybe we don't need any words at all. Maybe each of us is looking for someone to hold space with us and BE WITH US in our hurt and pain and weariness.

Whatever your holiday celebrations this month, I’d like to share mine. I celebrate Christmas and God coming to earth as divinity wrapped in human flesh. The idea that a holy, awesome and whole-ly loving God would be WITH US and among us in human form is simply beautiful to me.

And I still see that loving God in human form every day. YOU. Your presence and connection keep me going.

Yes, let’s do sit in solitude and refill. Yes, it’s essential to love ourselves and take care of ourselves. Yes, it’s not healthy to keep pouring out without refilling.

Yes, AND... sometimes we’re able to show up as we are, hold space, and realize that our well was deeper than we thought. Yes, AND... even when we're bone tired, we're able to be with someone not saying a word. We are better together. I’m here, holding space for you.


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