
Work With Me
Dawn Geschiere, Empowerment Life Coach
I'm passionate about coaching YOU to live an intentionally empowered life.
Whether it's through 1:1 or group coaching, it's time to discover your purpose--your YES.
Choose from a variety of 1:1 coaching packages or stand-alone sessions, join one of two group coaching options, or work with me to design your own coaching package tailored to fit your goals.
1:1 Empowerment Coaching
Coaching that calls forth what's powerful in you.
One-on-one coaching is offered via phone or through Zoom (your choice). Sessions typically last 45-60 minutes and are typically scheduled weekly or twice per month. The duration of our coaching relationship varies depending on your needs.
1:1 coaching offers you confidentiality and a personalized growth plan and approach that is uniquely tailored to you.

Facilitated Virtual Group Coaching for Moms
Monday Mama's 7-8pm EST
Coaching. Community. Empowerment. Support. Learning. Accountability.
Dawn's subscription-based facilitated group coaching takes place weekly for one hour on Monday nights.
Through facilitated conversations, guided activities and visualizations, moms (of all ages and stages) focus on a variety of empowerment topics that take us beyond our parenting, careers or any of our various roles. Participants are provided a safe and courageous space to be themselves, providing a community where they are supported, heard, valued, acknowledged and empowered.
As a Mama to five amazing young adults, Dawn facilitates Monday Mamas with her hindsight wisdom, years of coaching experience and a background in elementary and special education.
Your $32.00 USD monthly Monday Mama's
coaching subscription includes:
Weekly group coaching, usually on Mon nights
Monthly 30 min. 1:1 individual coaching session
Group Emails
**Facilitated Team and Group Coaching options and/or Speaking Engagements with Dawn Geschiere are available upon request.
Stand-alone 1:1 Coaching Sessions

Create Your Own
Life Commandments
Write Your Own Life Guideposts
The day after my Breast Cancer diagnosis I wrote these 10 Cancer Commandments or guideposts. They've been guiding me ever since.
This stand-alone coaching session offers you guidance in writing your own 10-12 Life Commandments. Whether you're facing a serious health crisis or not, your Life Commandments will keep you on course, living intentionally.
Badass Creatives Collective
Our Current Offering:
The Artist's Way Accountability Circle Group - Sept. - Dec. 2022
Badass Creatives Collective is a supportive badass community where humans feel empowered to create.
C0-founded by Life Coaches Dawn Geschiere and Brittany Martz in fall 2020, the purpose of BCC is to cultivate accountability, community and support for aspiring and seasoned creatives through coaching, empowerment and learning opportunities.